About Me!

So, do you want to know a bit about me?

So, I am an 11 year old being, living at the peak of Mount Everest. I have 3.1415192653589793238476264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781 ferocious guard cats and a huge amount of snow. My house is toppling over as we speak, for there is much snow building up and it can only hold for so long. I have very few belongings, so they are quite important to me, my computer, my wifi network, my sleeping bag, and my horse skin bristle tooth brush. I am part Eskimo, part Canadian. I live alone with only my survival skills, my cats, and my computer. I hunt wild rabbits and small mouselike creatures. I guess you could say that my life is similar to Julie of the Wolves. You should read that book! It kinda describes how I live, though I do not live on the Tundra! This is the view from my house. There is a peak across from where I am situated, that I have always wanted to go to. Sadly, I know that it is far to long of a climb and far to dangerous. But, I am fine right where I am. 

Just Kidding!! I live in a volcano,  where the air is flaming hot and there are sparks and fire everywhere. Gosh! Isn't that kinda obvious. Living on Mount Everest would be so cold, uncomfortable, oh my!! My volcano domain is much nicer. Sometimes, I lounge in my rock cavern, watching the magnificent flames dancing and the lava flowing down the craggy stones. I love my volcano, naming it Clara-Volcano after my name. Anyway, this is the view I look at each day, sitting in my home. I live with my younger brother in this fiery domain. I certainly am lucky that we have wifi all the way down here. Once, there was a close call when my 4 year old brother almost dropped the computer into a pool of lava. I have no idea why he even tried, ask him for magma's sake! You might be wondering what I eat. Well, there are these EXCELLENT berries that I call Magma Berries. My cluster grows bye a small trickle of hot water by a rock wall. I recommend that you try some!!! You can make Magma Cream out of them, which soothes burns and is very unlike the odd item in that weird game called MInecraft (I look at the internet, I know about your silly games!)
On days when I am not out gathering in the vast corridors of rock in the volcano, or trying to catch a fire-bug (small bugs that live by fire, are common where I live), I rest in the hot springs that lies next to my favorite lava pool where I catch most of the fire-bugs and by where our rocky outcrop home is. It feels really good, just like a spa, and you can say that I am clean quite frequently. I despise the cold, and go in the hot springs as much as I can.

How foolish you are if you believed me!!

I am actually an 11 year old girl (in Middle School) named Clara and I go to an excellent school in Hawaii called Le Jardin Academy. I play Tennis with one of my friends, Amelia. I love cats and act all meowy and crazy with another one of my friends named Eva. (Click) We love to go absolutely CRAZY and love to conduct meow tests and create creative and totally random documents on google drive. I play piano and ukulele and I know some pretty awesome songs like Fur Elise (well, not all of it) and Carol of the bells. I am learning this song on my Ukulele called Classical Gas (yes, I know it sounds funny) and it is a really cool song. If you want to learn it (if you play the Ukulele) or just want  to see how it sounds, click on me! I have 5 cats, (visit them on the Cat and Pet page) Rupert, Coogee, Olivia, Fiona, and Scotty. I am absolutely CRAZY about cats! And you can see that I have quite and imagination, just look at what I wrote above! But, seriously, did anyone believe that I actually lived on top of Mount Everest or in a Volcano? 
Hee hee, well then! Bye for now….

Image Credits

Anyway, check out my other blogs @:
Rupert the Earless Cat blog http://the-earless-cat.blogspot.com

A weird and random, double sided blog http://a-double-sided-blog.blogspot.com

A kinda meowy random philosophy blog http://philosophy-the-blog.blogspot.com

P.S. I haven't really done much to many of these, so, you should just hang out at this one.


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